Rick Muller Image

Rick Muller

High impact leadership in quantum information science, artificial intelligence, and advanced computing for national security.


Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)

Director, 2024-Present

Directs a large research portfolio in artificial intelligence, quantum information science, biometrics, image, text, and video recognition and processing, and related technologies to give the US Intelligence Community an overwhelming information advantage.

Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA)

Director, 2022-2024
Deputy Director, 2020-2022

Led the Quantum Systems Accelerator, one of five DOE National Quantum Initiative Science Research Centers, to catalyze national leadership in quantum information science to co-design the algorithms, quantum devices, and engineering solutions needed to deliver certified quantum advantage in Department of Energy scientific applications.

Sandia National Laboratories

Senior Manager, Quantum and Advanced Microsystems Group, 2019-2024
Program Manager, Quantum Information Sciences, 2018
Manager, Computational Materials Science, 2017-2018

Led the Quantum Information Science program at Sandia to develop quantum technologies, testbeds, and centers for national security.

National Strategic Computing Initiative

Senior Staff, Joint Program Office, 2016-2017

Led the NSCI Joint Program Office and coordinated USG work with DOD, DOE, NSF, OSTP, OMB, NIST, IARPA. Led workshops exploring impact of foreign HPC on national and economic security, and initiated programs developing novel hardware and software paradigms for heterogeneous computing.

Sandia National Laboratories

Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, 2016-2017
Principal Member of the Technical Staff, 2007-2015
Senior Member of the Technical Staff, 2003-2007

Deputy director of Sandia Science and Engineering of Quantum Information Sciences Research Challenge. Deputy Project Lead and Modeling Lead, Quantum Information Science and Technology, developing silicon donor and dot qubits. PI for development of QCAD simulation tool for nano- and quantum electronic devices.

California Institute of Technology

Director, Quantum Simulations Technology, 1997-2003

Directed the Quantum Simulations Technology group at the Caltech Materials and Process Simulation Center, focusing on developing new methods for quantum simulations and multiscale modeling.

University of Southern California

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1994-1997

Postdoctoral research on computational modeling of enzyme catalysis with Nobel Laureate Prof. Arieh Warshel


California Institute of Technology

PhD, Chemistry, 1994 Thesis: Development and implementation of ab initio methods for application to large molecules.

Rice University

BA, cum Laude, Chemistry, 1988

Oriel College, University of Oxford

Visiting Scholar, Chemistry, 1984-1985

Selected Publications

74 total publications; h-index 34.

Quantum Information Science

Computing and Theory

Materials, Chemistry, Energy